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не хотите взглянуть на анкету, которую сует Вам, каждый второй работодатель, Системный администратор. Базовые вопросы
<h1>Системный администратор. Базовые вопросы:</h1>
  1. Умение ремонта на уровне деталей, умение паять
  2. Максимальное количество компьютеров в организации в которой работали
  3. Проектирование и создание локальной сети
  4. Работа с Linux
  5. Установка и администрирование 1С
  6. Модель OSI
  7. Разложить протокол по 7-ми уровневой модели OSI
  8. Сетевые протоколы
  9. Максимальная длинна кабеля витой пары для прокладки локальной сети
  10. Создание сайтов
  11. Сборка компьютера под конкретную задачу и пользователя
  12. Proxy серверы. Виды, принцип действия
  13. Чем proxy отличается от NAT?
  14. Знание английского языка
  15. Знание языков программирования
  16. В кабеле питания три провода: синий, коричневый и жёлто-зелёный. Для чего предназначен каждый из них?
  17. Назовите основные функциональные блоки чёрно-белого лазерного принтера.
  18. Тип сокетов
  19. Какой тип памяти поддерживает 945-ый чипсет Intel?
  20. Компьютер выключается под нагрузкой. Неисправность каких комплектующих может быть причиной этого?
  21. Монтаж коннектора, порядок цветов для кабеля "витая пара"
  22. Как должен быть обжат кабель Ethernet при соединении двух компьютеров на прямую?
  23. Сколько времени займёт передача файла объёмом 1МБ при скорости 200 кбит/с?
  24. Основные отличия NTFS от FAT
  25. Максимальная скорость соединения по 802.11g
  26. Как предоставить доступ пользователю А (и только ему) с Машины1 в какую-то папку на Машине2?
  27. Как открыть на другом компьютере скрытые ресурсы общего доступа?
  28. RAID массив, для чего нужен и какие уровни бывают?
  29. Что такое коммутатор, маршрутизатор и концентратор, какие отличия?
  30. Если web-сервер не пингуется, то как установить работает ли он?
  31. Что такое ping?
  32. Что такое DHCP и с чем его едят (как присваивается, с помошью каких механизмов)
  33. Что такое DNS (прямая и обратная зона, какая запись нужна для того, чтобы ходила почта)
  34. Что такое протокол SNMP
  35. Что такое backup и с чем его едят, чем различаются и по какому принципу работают инкрементный и дифференциальный backup-ы
  36. Что такое SID (секурити идентифаер)
  37. Как работает команда traceroute/tracert ?
  38. как работает DNS?
  39. Сколько DNS серверов необходимо иметь для поддержки зоны?
  40. Что такое WPA/WEP?
  41. Что такое VPN и какие основные варианты вы знаете?
  42. Что входит в понятие "информационная безопасность"?
  43. Что такое "защита периметра"?
  44. Для чего нужен RAID?
  45. Какие уровни RAID знаете?
  46. Что такое backup и как часто его нужно делать, recovery план?
  47. Что такое "терминальный сервер"?
  48. Какие типы терминальных серверов вы знаете?
  49. Можно ли флэшкой сжечь материнку?

<h2>Поддержка пользователей (Help Desc). Задания:</h2>
  1. Вам звонит пользователь и говорит "У меня интернет не работает" - опишите последовательность ваших действий для решения проблемы?
  2. В офисе выключилось электричество, UPS подключен (управление) только на 1 сервер, другие выключить не может, ваше действия по безопасному выключению серверов?
  3. В понедельник в офисе 1/3 компьютеров поражена вирусами, ваши действия по борьбе с ними?
  4. Представьте абстрактный пустой офис на 50 рабочих мест (1С/МС Офис), опишите какие аппаратные средства и ПО необходимы для запуска его в работу?
  5. В каких случаях использовать лучше протокол TCP, а в каких UDP?
  6. Клиент jabber не видит сервер, но ping от серверу есть. В чем может быть причина?
<span style="font-family:Calibri"><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%">Замучился скачивать фаил. Прикрепляю, скаченный фаил.</span></span>
<span style="font-family:Calibri"><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%">Вот какую анкету мы используем при приеме на работу сотрудников.</span></span>
Возможный список вопросов при собеседование на UNIX системного администратора
Вопросы довольно старые но надергать или разобраться в какую сторону копать помогут

Skill / Hiring Test One

Unix System Administrator
Skills Questionnaire


Listed below are conditions you will be expected to accept as a
Unix System Administrator.   Please answer YES or NO for each item
listed below.

1. Are you willing and able to work within the rules and
regulations of a State institution?

2. Are you willing and able to work on short notice, flexible
hours and work schedules and overtime, if necessary?

3. Are you willing and able to communicate and work
effectively with staff, students, faculty, supervisors,
administrators and the public?

4. Are you willing and able to do some heavy lifting on an
occasional basis; i.e., 50 lbs or more carrying computer
monitors or other heavy equipment?

5. Are you willing and able to work within the safety
standards, rules, and regulations of the Computer
Science Department?

6. Are you willing and able to work alone and set your
own standards and priorities?

7. Are you willing to perform some basic clerical/
bookkeeping types of tasks necessary in this job such
as filling out log sheets, checking out equipment,
maintaining supply inventory, etc?

8. Are you willing and able to direct, schedule, and train
student employees during an academic year?

9. Are you willing to gain more responsibility and
assist in supervisory and management tasks?


Please rate your experience and/or training in the following
activities using the number guide below.  Respond with the number
from the number guide that best describes your abilities or knowledge.
If you do not resond to an activity, we will assume that you are
rating yourself "0" for that area.  Respond with only one rating
per activity.  Please be aware that any misrepresentation on this
form may serve as grounds for dismissal from employment should you
be appointed to a position.  Prior to hiring, an appointing authority
may ask you to demonstrate your abilities and may also contact
previous employers and/or reference to verify your statements.


(4) I have trained others to perform this work or activity.

(3)     I have enough experience and/or training to perform this
work or activity without training or supervision and could train

(2)     I have had some experience and/or training performing this
work or activity and could do it with supervision or training.

(1)     I have no experience and/or training in this work or activity
but have observed others performing this work.

(0)     I have no experience and/or training with this work or
activity and have not observed it being performed by others.

NOTE:   The term Unix refers to any implementation of Unix proper.
It does NOT refer to system administration utilities built on top
of Unix such as SMIT, SAM, Tivoli, or other such tools.

TYPE OF ACTIVITY                                            RATING

1. Creating Unix accounts for new users

2. Assisting users with the Unix C Shell environment

3. Assisting Unix users with the X.V11R5 environment

4. Assisting users with Unix UCB electronic mail

5. Assisting users with Unix C programming environment

6. Assisting users with a Unix NFS environment

7. Assisting users with Unix RQS environment

8. Assisting users with Unix lpd-based printing

9. Assisting users with Unix rlogin, rsh, rcp, and ftp

10. Assisting users with Unix filesystem permissions

11. Configuring VME backplane jumpers

12. Isolating hardware failures to board level components

13. Configuring SCSI ID jumpers

14. Configuring SCSI termination

15. Installing and configuring new SIMMs in Unix systems

16. Connecting physical coax Ethernet networks

17. Connecting physical twisted pair Ethernet networks

18. Configuring SCSI peripherals on a Unix system

19. Formatting hard disk drives for Unix systems

20. Repairing bad hard drive sectors

21. Diagnosing hard drive problems under Unix

22. Creating Unix filesystems with mkfs

23. Repairing Unix filesystems with fsck

24. Tuning Unix filesystems with tyfs

25. Installing internal peripheral components, e.g. drives

26. Configuring Unix disk partition tables

27. Troubleshooting persistent Unix filesystem problems

28. Configuring Unix lpd to access serial PostScript printers

29. Configuring Unix lpd to access remote printers

30. Configuring Transcript

31. Troubleshooting Unix lpd printing problems

32. Installing Unix kernel patches

33. Installing Unix bobs drivers

34. Reconfiguring Unix kernel options

35. Customizing Unix system boot initialization process

36. Using Unix OS source code to debug system problems

37. Customizing Unix OS source code

38. Configuring Unix system hostname

39. Configuring Unix system P zone data

40. Configuring Unix systems using TCP/IP networks

41. Configuring IP subnetworking on Unix systems

42. Debugging TCP/IP network connectivity problems

43. Configuring SLIP on Unix systems

44. Configuring FDDI on Unix systems

45. Configuring UUCP on Unix systems

46. Installing and configuring high-speed modems for use
with SLIP or UUCP on Unix systems

47. Configuring Unix for serial port login terminal access

48. Debugging Unix serial port bus connections

49. Configuring system static IP network routing tables

50. Configuring system to use RIP dynamic routing

51. Configuring system to generate RIP dynamic routing data
with gated

52. Troubleshooting IP routing problems

53. Configuring Unix filesystem exports

54. Configuring Unix network filesystem mount tables

55. Debugging Unix network filesystem access problems

56. Troubleshooting network filesystem performance problems

57. Configuring Unix NFS automounters

58. Troubleshooting NFS automounter configuration errors

59. Configuring AMD maps

60. Installing GNU gcc from distribution

61. Installing MIT X from distribution

62. Writing rdist distribution files

63. Troubleshooting rdist problems

64. Configuring Domain Name Service clients

65. Configuring Domain Name Service servers

66. Configuring tertiary DNS servers

67. Writing DNS data files

68. Troubleshooting DNS data file errors

69. Using tar to backup filesystem data to tape

70. Using NFS to backup filesystem data

71. Using dump to backup fileystem data to tape

72. Restoring entire bootable system from dump tape

73. Restoring user files from dump tape backups

74. Performing Unix filesystem backups to remote
network tape devices

75. Identifying Unix system security vulnerabilities

76. Monitoring Unix systems for security violations

77. Recovering from a Unix security violation event

78. Customizing Unix vnode addressing

79. Customizing BSD syslog configuration

80. Customizing sendmail configuration files

81. Writing sendmail configuration parsing rules

82. Writing complex sendmail aliases (includes, pipes, files)

83. Testing sendmail configuration with test mode

84. Debugging sendmail parsing rules

85. Installing and configuring new network service daemons
to use inetd

86. Configuring periodic system jobs with cron

87. Compiling and installing public domain software

88. Installing vendor supported third-party software

89. Writing and debugging PERL programs

90. Writing and debugging OPAL programs

91. Writing and debugging C Shell programs

92. Writing and debugging Bourne shell programs

93. Writing and debugging C programs

94. Coordinating teams

95. Training other system administrators

96. Developing training courses or programs

97. Using Rand MH

98. Using Elm

99. Using Emacs

100. Using the GNU set of development tools

Please supply names of persons who can verify the information given
in Section II, e.g., previous employers.

Names Address and Phone Number

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________


Please rate your experience and/or training in in the configuration,
operation and maintenance of the following equipment using the
number guide below.  Respond with the number which best describes
your training and/or experience.  If you do not respond to an item,
we will assume that you are rating yourself "0" for that area.
Circle only one number for each item.  Please be aware that any
misrepresentation on this form may serve as grounds for dismissal
from employment should you be appointed to a position.  Prior to
hiring, an appointing authority may ask you to demonstrate your
abilities and may also contact previous employers and/or reference
to verify your statements.


(4)     I have trained others in the configuration, maintenance,
and operation of this equipment.

(3)     I have enough experience and/or training with the configuration,
maintenance, and operation of this equipment to perform it without
training or supervision and could train others.

(2)     I have had some experience and/or training with the
configuration, maintenance, and operation of this equipment and
could do it with supervision or training.

(1)     I have no experience and/or training with the configuration,
maintenance, and operation of this equipment but have observed
others performing this work.

(0)     I have no experience and/or training with the configuration,
maintenance, and operation of this equipment and have not observed
it being performed by others.

NOTE:   References to a vendor implementation of Unix, e.g. SunOS,
implies the operating system proper.  It does NOT refer to system
administration utilities built on top of the operating system such
as SMIT, SAM, Tivoli, or other such tools.

TYPE OF EQUIPMENT                                    RATING

101. Sun Sparc systems running SunOS

102. Sun Sparc systems running Solaris

103. DEC stations running ULTRIX

104. DEC stations running OSF/1

105. HP workstations running HPUX

106. Systems running NeXTSTEP

107. Systems running BSDI, BSD43, BSD44, or Linux

108. Systems with more than 8 cpus

109. NCD X terminals

110. Sun 4 and Sun 3 VME based systems

111. Solbourne systems

112. SGI workstations running IRIX

113. Macintosh systems

114. IBM RS6000 systems running AIX

115. Symbolics

116. Telebit Netblazer terminal server

117. Xylogics or Sun terminal server

118. Livingston Portmaster terminal server

119. Telebit modems

120. Cisco Systems routers

Please supply names of persons who can verify the information given
in Section III e.g., previous employers.

Names Address and Phone Number

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

Skill / Hiring Test Two

A Technical Test for Unix System Administrators

Scoring: 1 point for each correct answer, zero for "I don't know" or
an incorrect answer clearly identified as a guess, and -1 for obvious
guessing or BS-ing.

1. Identify 5 options to the `ls' command and what they produce.

2. How many fields are there in a standard BSD 4.3 /etc/passwd file,
without shadow password or other extentions?

3. What is the default login shell if that field in /etc/passwd is
left blank?

4. What are the limitations on a user login name in /etc/passwd?

5. What is the difference between sections 1 and 8 in the Unix
manual set?

6. What is the difference between sections 4 and 5 in the Unix
manual set?

7. When is a user's .cshrc file executed and when is his/her
.login executed relative to .cshrc?

8. What is the difference between .xinitrc and .xsession?

9. What files, ownerships and permissions must be set for rsh
to work?

10. What is the easiest way to tell which disk partition a
particular file resides on?

11. What is the difference between a hard link and a soft link?

12. What does the setjmp() system call do in C?

13. What is an advisable way to set your PATH environment variable
to protect yourself from unintentionally invoking trojan horses?

14. What does the `archie' tool do?

15. What umask value would prevent anyone but you from writing or
executing your files but still allows reads?

16. What is the difference between a gateway and a router?

17. What is the difference between the real and effective UID of
a process (UID vs. EUID).

18. What is the difference between sections 2 and 3 of the Unix
manual set?

19. What is the separator between messages in a UCB mbox mail file?

20. What is the path of the C pre-processor on a standard BSD system?

21. Where would you find the executable for `init' on SunOS,
BSD 4.4, Ultrix, OSF/1.

22. Where would you find the numeric value of the SIGPIPE signal?

23. What is the primary difference between SIGKILL and SIGTERM.

24. What does a file linked to the rlogin program do?

25. How do you make a link to a directory?

26. What is the class designation of an IP address (A, B, or C)
used to determine?

27. What class of IP address is

28. How do you unpack neattoy.tar.gz.shar?

29. How do you forge mail "From santa.claus@northpole.org"?

30. What does the -m option to lpr produce?

31. How many SCSI devices can be connected to a workstation
with a single SCSI controller interface?

32. What is the SCSI id number of a workstation SCSI controller

33. What three commands are used to modify file ownership
and permissions?

34. How many terminators does an Ethernet network have?

35. If a SCSI hard disk was formatted on a Sun and no data
has yet been written to it, what needs to be done to
use it on a non-Sun Unix system?

36. If you've been using a SCSI hard disk on a Sun, what
do you need to do in order to move that disk to a
non-Sun Unix system and preserve the data.

37. What information is stored in a disk label?

38. What is the difference between mkfs and newfs?

39. How do you calculate the total number of blocks or
sectors available on a disk?

40. What must a text file begin with to be recognized as
PostScript code?

41. What is the difference between PostScript and Encapsulated

42. What is the `lf' parameter used to designate in an lpd printer
configuration (printcap) entry and why should you always
define it?

43. What is the command which controls or manages the BSD line
printer daemon?

44. Where are the files which are used to re-build a kernel?

45. Which system or systems on a network answers an ARP request packet?

46. What is the procedure for building a new kernel from a
kernel configuration file?

47. What command is the SLIP equivalent to `ifconfig'?

48. To use a serial port for both dial-in and dial-out,
how must the system and modem be configured?

49. Why should 'routed' always be run with the -q option
or not run at all?

50. When you change /etc/exports, what must be done for
mountd to recognize and incorporate the change?

51. How does the fsck(8) command determine in which order
to check the filesystems at boot time?

52. Via NFS, by default the root access is enabled or disabled?

53.     On an NFS mounted filesystem, is a soft link is evaluated
(followed) in the server hierarchy or client hierarchy?

54. What file must be configured on all DNS clients and what
are the minimum two lines it must contain to function?

55. What is the "u" option to the dump command and why would
you use it?

56. What option to sendmail invokes rule parsing test mode?

57. What shell does cron(8) execute command lines in?

58. Name the three basic data types in PERL?

59. How does the system determine which shell to invoke to
execute a shell script?

60. What can you use to edit a binary file?

61. If a user has a mail loop, what two things should be
checked at both systems involved to determine the
source of the problem?

22. Where would you find the numeric value of the SIGPIPE signal?
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